DTennis Ladies Doubles League allows you to play with other ladies in a set schedule, so you can guarantee a time and place. All levels are welcome and you don't need a partner to participate! Matches will be play every Wednesday @ 9:00 a.m. |
$30 PER SEASON (includes a Doubles Tennis Lesson, Shirt, League Management, Play Off, & awards) To register click here. Registration fee MUST accompany your registration form. |
SPRING 4/2 - 5/7/2014 Location: North lake Park Deadline: Thursday March 27, 2014 Play-Offs: 5/7/14 |
Standings will be determine by the number of games won. |
1- Play according to your NTRP level. If you have any questions, please contact DTennis Ladies Doubles League Director Diana Belton. 2- Follow the USTA Rules. Sportsmanship ON & OFF the court. 3- Scores need to be report by both teams, as soon as possible by email to [email protected]. 4- All matches must be completed by April 27th to count for play- off standings. If a player does not want to cooperate in the scheduling of a match before the season is over, it would count as a default. 5- Refund: There will not be a refund unless the player withdraw before the league starts. 6- Waiver of Claims. Players participating in the DTENNIS Flex Leagues acknowledge the risks associated with playing competitive tennis, accept those risks voluntarily, and, in consideration of their acceptance in the League, assume all risks for bodily injury, waive all claims for injury and property damage, and release and hold harmless to DTENNIS and the host facility, their employees with respect to any injury or loss caused by negligence or otherwise to the fullest extent permitted by law. |